Living Waters

Living Waters

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


By Pastor Alero Flourish Nanna

(An excerpt from my book of this title)
To all the saints of God in Northern Nigeria who have suffered untold hardship in the hands of the anti-Christ masquerading with religion. When I think of your suffering for the Cross of Christ, I cannot stop thinking that in heaven some will be more equal than others. You are my true Heroes!
To all the saints of God who have suffered in the hands of false Prophets, Teachers and Apostles due to ignorance born out of want of true spiritual leadership. It is my heart felt prayer that the light from this book will liberate you and set you free to be a servant of the Lord.
Just yesterday, as I write, I heard this story about an event in Northern Nigeria that was even videoed and sent to a man of God in England who visited Nigeria and was addressing us at a gathering of Ministers of the Gospel. He recounted how he was shown a film by a man of God from Plateau State in Nigeria of the persecution of the saints of God in the Northern part of the country. He said that in the film, he saw how Christians were cut on the forehead with cutlass by the children of the bondwoman and forced to run while bleeding. These agents of the devil did not stop at that, but kept on cutting them from behind while they ran until they dropped dead.
Another scene he described was that of a Pastor’s wife whom they forced to lie on her back and drove a bottle into her vagina and forced her up again and ordered her to run. She was running with her legs apart with blood oozing out of her body. This brought tears to my eyes as I imagined the excruciating pain this woman of God must have had to endure for the Cross of Christ.
Another story I heard from a sister yesterday as I write is about a man in Lagos Nigeria; who went in search of a solution from a false prophet. The false prophet gave him an evil prescription which included that he had his bath with soap and sponge given to him by this false prophet. This gullible man did as he was told and sank into the ground where he went to take his bath. Only the sponge and soap were found at the scene until his body was later exhumed from the ground.
As I write, my heart bleeds. I had a restless night as I thought on these events, but I woke up with this song: “IT WONT BE LONG” by Andrae Crouch this morning and my heart was comforted.
From these two real life stories we cannot deny the devastating consequence of ignorance brought upon a people resulting in the thriving of the evil machinations of the anti-Christ and false prophets. This, I believe, is in part due to a want of real spiritual leadership for some and for others an outright rejection of the truth because they want to get something for nothing.
My intention through this book is to unmask false Prophets, false Apostles, false Teachers, false pastors, false evangelists and false Christs.  This is with the intent that everyone who truly seeks to know the one true God of the universe in experience be liberated and released to know Him.
By way of introduction, let us look at the definition of our book title HOW TO IDENTIFY FALSE PROPHETS AND FALSE CHRISTS. For the purpose of clarity, I would like to break down the words and define them separately before putting them together again to get a clear picture of what we are looking at here. Your destiny may well depend on your understanding this truth.
To identify means to be able to say for sure or to recognize. False Prophets are people who claim to be prophets of God and are not. False Christs refers to anyone handing himself out as the Messiah or Saviour of mankind apart from Jesus Christ.  Thus the title of this book means how to recognize those pretending to be prophets and false Christ when they are not.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Isa.66:8-9: “Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.
Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God.”
Gal.4:19: “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you,”
This month of October has been prophetically declared our month of travail based on the revelation given to me by the Lord drawn from these two scriptures. In the first text, we are made to understand that to birth souls into the kingdom of God; we must travail for them in prayer. The second text also makes us understand that to get these souls to mature in Christ; we must also travail like in child birth. In the text of Isaiah quoted above, we receive an assurance of answered prayers from God where He said He will not bring us to the point of delivery and shut the womb.
The Lord Jesus Christ makes us understand that for us to be effective in Kingdom service; we must learn to pray to the Lord of Harvest to send laborers into His field. You will find this in Lk.10:2 where He said:
The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.
He clarified this further in John 15:16 where He makes us understand that He has chosen and ordained us to the end that we should bear fruit and that our fruit should abide.
We bear fruit by winning the lost to Him and our fruit abide when the souls won to him are established in faith. Both of these responsibilities are not possible without the ministry of the Holy Spirit which we engaged through travail in prayer.
To this end, this month, as we conclude our message on the future of the world, we shall be learning how to pray kingdom driven prayers for the birth and establishment of souls in the Kingdom. We shall also be demonstrating through evangelism and training of the converts with a view to discipling them for Christ so they can in turn be engaged by the Lord as labourers in His vineyard.
Beloved, the Lord revealed to me that the end is nearer than many are aware of and we must put more effort into soul winning and discipling to enable the Lord return for a glorious Church without spot and wrinkle.
If you are reading this article and you are not yet born again, I believe that you are not reading this by accident. This is your divine appointment with your glorious destiny. You can get born again now by saying the prayer below out loud to the Lord and you will be saved.

Father in Heaven,
I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Your word says in John 6:37 that you will not cast me out when I come to you. So I thank you that you will take me in.
You also said in Romans 10:9-10 that if I shall confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in my heart that you raised him from the dead, I shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the son of God. I believe that he was raised from the dead for my justification and I confess him now as my saviour and Lord.
I believe that I have now become your righteousness in Christ whom you made to be sin for me on Calvary’s Cross.
Thank you father that I am saved from this day in Jesus’s name!
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