“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of
For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath
ceased from his own works, as God did from his.” Heb.4:9-10
Divine favour greetings family! I
welcome you to the month of November 2019 which the Lord has graciously
declared to us to be our month of Divine rest. Divine means that which
originates from God. Therefore this month, we shall enter into the rest God has
ordained for us from the foundation of the world.
Several years ago, I heard the
Lord say to me: “Labour not to be rich.” I sought to understand what he was
saying so I searched the Scriptures for it. Then I came to this text in
Proverbs which reads thus: “Labour not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom”
Prov.23:4. I got to understand from that text and more that we should not allow
the motivation of earthly riches be our reason for working. This I believe is
what makes the word for the month so meaningful to me. When we run in pursuit
of the riches of this world, we would wear out ourselves for nothing. At the
end of the day we would find that all we have acquired is vain compared to what
God wants for us.
month therefore, we have been told by God what to labour for. If we take the
time to look at the entire Hebrews Chapter 4, verse 11 tells us to labour to
enter into His rest. “Let us
labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same
example of unbelief.” The rest referred to here is the rest of
faith. This is a state where we will live our lives trusting in the Lord for
everything. No matter how much possessions God has given to us, we should live
our lives trusting in the Lord for everything. The riches of this world are
fleeting; Proverbs 23:5 makes us understand that they develop wings and fly
away. This is the reason the Lord said that there are the unrighteous mammon
and true riches. Our labour is meant to be for the true riches of God. Sadly,
what is mostly celebrated today is the unrighteous mammon.
One day, I was talking
with a Pastor who was working as an employee of a very big Church. He was
excited that he was posted to a big branch of the Church but felt cheated when
he was schemed out of that branch by another Pastor. His friend was angrily
speaking against what they saw as injustice. I was surprised by their
behaviour. I asked them why they thought the bigger branch was better. Long
story short, it was about the fame and access to big gifts he potentially stood
to benefit. I asked them whether it was about the glamour or the perfect will
of God for the Pastor’s life.
Hear what the Lord says in
Lk.16:11 “If therefore ye have not been
faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true
riches?” the question therefore is how do we overcome labouring for the
mundane? We do so by faith. That is why the bible says we who believe enter
into His rest. Thus it is by faith we enter His rest. The Lord Jesus Christ
tells us how in John 5:30 He said here that he can of himself do nothing that
he takes instructions from the father. This means that the chief labour we have
to labour is to do whatever it takes to hear the father’s instruction.
In light of the foregoing,
this month, we shall be learning what it takes to enter the rest of God. John
5:19-20 – in seeking to please the Lord, we can count on Him to instruct us all
the way and as we hear, we are to take instructions and do what He says. This
is the place of true faith; resting in obedience to divine instructions. This
month would therefore mark the end of all our strivings to do God’s will in our
strength. None of us shall labour in vain anymore. In addition, we shall seek
to pursue God more for the relationship with Him rather than what advantage we
seek to have from Him.
Someone may be reading
this blog who has been seeking answers as to what life was all about and seem
to be getting nowhere. I have good news for you; get born again and your life
would be set on the course to know the true meaning of life God’s way! If you want to take advantage of this
opportunity, you can start right away by saying the following prayers out loud
in faith and you will be born again:
Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe that Jesus died for me and you
raised Him from the dead for my Justification. I therefore declare that Jesus
Christ is my Saviour and Lord and from today, I renounce the fatherhood of
Satan plus his unfruitful works of darkness and embrace Jesus Christ as my
Saviour and Lord. Thank you for this father in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Congratulations! For more information and resources that would help you
grow in this new life, please visit our website at www.kingdomheirsministries.org
and our blogs at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com
and follow us on twitter at alero_nanna and on face book on www.facebook.com/flourishinggirl www.facebook.com/khmii2015; www.facebook.com/thewellbeingcenter.
Or www.facebook.com/kingdomjointheirsfamily
email: jointheirsfamily@gmail.com