“Let’s us make man in our own image…and let them rule “Gen.1:26.
INTRODUCTION: The subject of leadership has been debated by leaders for Centuries now. Is it biblical to lead? Are we called to be followers instead of leaders? Are we called to be servants instead of rulers? Can we honestly believe that leadership is a biblical idea?
A close examination of the bible makes us see that it is God’s idea. He is not only the ultimate leader; He has also called us to lead as well.
The description of mankind in Gen.1:26-31 shows that God designed us to lead, having authority and taking dominion:
“And God said let us make man in our image and after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth”. Gen. 1:26
1. Being made in God’s image means that we were created to lead. Part of what it means to be like God is knowing we are fashioned to lead and rule.
2. God gave humans dominion over the whole earth. We have two positions namely; being in a position of authority under God and being in a position of authority over the world. Consequently, we must discover what it means to lead like God leads.
3. If God told us to rule, we must have what it takes to do it. Every command God gives, He enables us to obey Based on our gifts and personality, and you have the ability to lead in some area.
Oswald J. Sanders said “leadership is influence. Nothing more. Nothing less. It is about influencing others in a worthy cause. It is not dependent upon titles or positions. It is dependent upon someone catching a vision from God and mobilizing others to join them in its fulfilment.”
Leadership is influence. In the New Testament, God confirms this calling to influence others in Mt. 5:13-16. Salt influences the food we eat and light influences the homes we live in. Here, Jesus is calling us to embrace our calling and shine wherever we go. Apostle Paul took this calling seriously when he said: “… therefore knowing the fear of God, we persuade men” 2Cor. 5:11
In rev. 1:5-6, we are also made to understand that as believers, we are born again to lead. God has made us a nation of priests and kings to reign in earth.
In summation here therefore, every believer is a potential leader because he carries the seed of leadership in him/her. You may ask; if we all lead, who will follow? We will never all be equal. There would always be sheep and lambs and among sheep, some would always be stronger. Strength here refers to the extent of death to self that a person has experience.
Many potential leaders in the bible were afraid and ran from their call. God had to give them permission to lead.
Most of us may, like Moses, list why we would not be able to lead effectively. Note how God responded to Moses’ five excuses why he could not lead.
EXCUSE 1. “Who am i? He struggled with identity. He just did not feel qualified. He thought God picked the wrong person. God’s response is very encouraging. “It does not matter who you are, I’ve called you and am with you.” Exodus 3:11-12.
EXCUSE 2. “Who are you?” He struggled with intimacy. He did not know God well enough to describe him to the people because his relationship with God was weak. God said “I am who I am” in other words, I am anything you need. Exod. 3:13-15.
EXCUSE 3. “What if they do not listen?” Moses struggled with intimidation. He was worried about people’s response to him. God‘s answer was, “when I’m finished, they will listen, trust me” Exod. 4:1-9.
EXCUSE 4. “I’ve never been a good speaker.” Moses struggled with inadequacy. Who would follow him if he could not speak well? God’s response: “guess who made your mouth. I am the source of your gifts” Exod. 4:10 – 12.
EXCUSE 5. “I know you can find someone else.” Moses struggled with inferiority. He compared himself with other more competent persons and felt inferior. God’s response: “ok I’ll let Aaron go with you but I’m still calling you.” Exod. 4:13 - 17
Personal challenge: what excuses do you have for not leading? What do you believe God’s response might be?
1. LEADERS PERCIEVE A NEED: Othniel for instance, raised an army of Hebrews to rout the Mesopotamians who surrounded them and this led to 40 years of peace. Judges 3:7-11
When leadership is pure therefore,
(a) It always starts with a need.
(b) That need sparks a passion within a person
(c) That person acts in response to the need
(d) That action moves others to co-operate.
APPLICATION: when you hear the many needs around you, which one strikes a chord within your heart? What kind of a specialist are you called to become? What will you do before you die? What will be your significant contribution?
2. LEADEERS POSSES A GIFT THAT FITS THE NEED THEY PERCIEVE PERFECTLY: The gift is usually from God although it takes different forms from leader to leader. For example, it was a spiritual gift in the case of Samson, a natural talent for strategy and wisdom in the case of Deborah and an acquired skill in the case of Gideon and Jephtah.
Consequently, when leadership is pure,
(a) A person finds a gift inside them
(b) They groom and develop that gift
(c) They eventually match that gift with a place of service
(d) The gift provides a platform for influence
(e) They eventually flourish because of their gift
NOTE: In our gift area, we are most intuitive, productive, comfortable, satisfied, natural and influential.
CHALLENGE: what about you, what is your gift? What contributions do you make to the body of Christ that would be most missed if you were gone? What do you add to your Church or other Organization that you do best?
3. LEADERS PARADE A PASSION THAT COMPELS OTHER PEOPLE’S INVOLVEMENT: Passion comes when a leader has complementary:
(a) Burdens (interests and concerns)
(b) Convictions (values, principles and beliefs)
(c) Gifts (God given abilities)
(d) Needs (desperate circumstances)
(e) Opportunities (occasion to get involved)
Consequently, passion makes up for lack of resources. All these leaders in Judges did not start rich. Some were even old men but their passion made up for them.
CHLLENGE: Passion generally begins with interest; what are yours? What makes you cry or angry? What do you feel strongly about that you often feel driven to act?
4. LEADERS PERSUADE A PEOPLE: They do this by attracting and empowering others to their passion or finding others who share the same passion. They connect with others. Leaders never act alone; they have followers because their cause is bigger than they are. They need others to pull it off. Gideon recruited too many men to attack Midian. Deborah fully persuaded Israel. Samuel was the most influential leader between Moses and David.
1. What gets talked about gets done
2. What gets trained for gets done
3. What gets measured gets done
4. What gets budgeted gets done
5. What gets confronted gets done
6. What gets rewarded gets done
CHALLENGE: What about you? Who has bought into your leadership 100%? Who do you persuade? The old or young, Leaders or followers? How do you persuade people to take the journey with you? When and where do you influence others?
5. LEADERS PERSUE A PURPOSE: They move in a direction to reach a specific goal by following a distinct purpose laid out before them. No leader maintains status quo. They feel they have a divine assignment to perform and that becomes their consuming accountability partner. Leading without a clear sense of God given purpose results in unfruitfulness.
The leader’s purpose is:
PERSONAL: It fits their gifts and passion
MEASURABLE: It involves activity that could be evaluated
MEMORABLE: It is specific enough to be remembered and embraced
MEANINGFUL: It surrounds National issues that made a difference
MOBILE: It could travel with them wherever they found themselves
MORAL: It was right. They felt it not only could be done but should be done
Challenge: Do you follow your purpose? How do you compare to the list? What is your clear purpose? Have you defined it? Do the key people in your group agree upon what it is and how it should be pursued?
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