Living Waters

Living Waters

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


Prophetically, the month of June has been named to us “Our Month of Laughter” drawing from Psalm 126:1-2. That text of scripture tells us:
When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.
Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them.
All through history, whenever God does great things for people, the result is rejoicing and laughter overflowing in thanksgiving and praise. A study of the books of the Old and New Testaments in would disclose this very important truth to us.
In the book of Genesis 21, we are made to understand that when God turned the captivity of Sarah’s bareness such that she was able to procreate after menopause, her response was laughter when the promise was made and God humorously named the child Isaac which is translated “laughter”.
In the case of Hannah the mother of Samuel in 1Sam.1 and 2, when God turned her captivity of bareness and delivered her from the constant taunts of her rival, it was greeted with rejoicing and laughter by her which set her into a singing and sacrificial mode in gratitude and the ever faithful God blessed her with five more children to honor her integrity in giving up Samuel the miracle child as a Nazarite to the Lord.
In the New Testament, concerning Elizabeth who had been written off to die barren, God visited her and turned her captivity, and many came and rejoiced with her on the victorious delivery of her son – John the Baptist!
All these accounts signify one thing in Common, God caused people to be victorious over circumstances that earlier held them captive with reproach and unfulfilled longing. The result was that they laughed and rejoiced. In fact in Exodus 14 & 15 when God delivered Israel from Pharaoh and the Egyptian army through the red sea and sank the latter in the sea, it was greeted by God’s people with singing and rejoicing!
I don’t know what area you desire to see God give  you victory but I want to assure you that this month of laughter, God is set to dry all your tears by making you victorious over the cause of the tears and fill your mouth with laughter and cause you to sing a new song – a song of victory.
However, we must understand that the extent of victory we can enjoy is faith limited because if we must receive anything from God, we could only do so by faith. This is why God has led me to teach on faith this month. We are therefore going to be looking at the meaning and qualities of faith and how to cultivate and release faith for victory.
If you are reading this article and you are yet to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, you can do so right away to enable you partake of this blessing. Say the following prayer out loud in faith and you shall be saved:
Heavenly father,
Have mercy on me a sinner. I repent of my sin and receive the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross for my salvation. I believe He died for me and on the third day, you raised Him from the dead for my salvation. From today, I receive Him as the Saviour and Lord of my Life.
Thank you father for forgiving me and writing my name in the book of life with the blood of Jesus. I pledge allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ from this day forever in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you just said this prayer, congratulations! You are now born again.  Please let us know by emailing and we will send you an e copy of our “Believers’ Guide to Growth” to enable you take off on this glorious adventure of the new creation. You can also log on to our blog at or follow us on face book at   You will access more resource materials to enrich your Christian life. God bless you!!!

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