Living Waters

Living Waters

Monday, 3 February 2014

Welcome to February: Our Month of Good Success

“This book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”
An examination of our text scripture for the month would immediately reveal to us that qualifying success with the adjective: “good” implies that Success cannot be viewed as positive all the time because good success implies that there is a bad one. Our text also shows us that good success is founded on the truth we know, meditate on and live by. The Lord Jesus Christ in John 17:17 defined truth as the word of God. When our text scripture was written, the word of God was known as “the book of the Law”! This explains why God told Joshua here that as long as he built his life on “this book of the Law”, he would have good success.
On the other hand, bad success is based on falsehood and it cannot stand the test of time not to talk of measuring up in eternity. Such acts of success can best be described as a smoke that would soon disappear or a flower that would soon fade away. A good example of this is the successful coveting of Bathsheba; Uriah’s wife by King David and the clever elimination of Uriah to cover up their infidelity. This proved to become the “but” in David’s life because what he did could not be hidden from the eyes of the all-seeing God. The result is that God judged him and told him the sword shall never depart from his house. Shortly after this, his reproach began to speak as his first son raped his daughter and another son of his killed his first son in vengeance and after this attempted a coup d’état to dethrone him and take his place until he was killed! Really, bad success is the decorated word for abysmal failure! Believe me, this is not the kind of success you want. See 2 Samuel Chapters 11-18. That you successfully dupe a person or an institution of their hard earned money through fraud or obtaining under false pretense does not make you successful even if it enables you to live in luxury for a season. The truth is that you would soon be found out no matter how tight your security is and how committed you are to the cult that empowers you. Any day a saint rises up in prayer against you, you will quickly come to the rude shock that your cult is not as powerful as it pretends to be. You will be cut off in the midst of your days and would prove to be a fool in the end. See Jeremiah 17:11; Proverbs 13:11!
This is why God is telling us that we can have good success and it would begin to show this month as we lay the foundation for it. In 2Timothy 2:19, the Apostle Paul pointed out that the foundation of God’s word rests on godliness: a departure from iniquity. When we make the truth our life style, good success is sure for us. Thus this month, our mission is to unfold the mystery of skillfully using the word of God so that we can maximize the benefit of good success available to us in the truth which is the word of God. Let me close by saying that good success can be defined as releasing and maximizing your potential for your benefit and that of others including your posterity. In some cases; it comes with a lot of money depending on the purpose for which you were created. However, it will never come with lack and want so your needs would always be met. See Psalm 1:1-6; Deu.28:1-15; Exod.23:25-26; Philippians 4:19; Lk.22:35; Acts 4:34.

This month, you shall flow in such light from the word of God that your good success cannot be denied you in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
If you want to walk in Good success and you are not sure of where you stand with God, you can make sure right away by saying the prayer below out loud and believing:
“Heavenly father, I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Have mercy on me a sinner. Today, I believe in my hearth the Jesus Christ came in the flesh, died for me on Calvary’s cross and on the third day, you raised Him from the dead for my justification. Therefore I ask; Jesus, please come into my life and be my Saviour and Lord. I reject and renounce the fatherhood of Satan from now on and forever, Amen!”

If you just said this prayer, congratulations! Welcome to the family of God. Please send me an email at  This will enable me send you an e-copy of our “Believers’ Guide to Growth” to help you start out well on your spiritual journey.  

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