Understanding how to
grow up spiritually
Session 1 Lesson 2
Everything living is proven by its growth. We were raised from death to life, therefore
we must grow. We entered this new life as seeds or children and once admitted
into this new life, what is required next is growth. [John 5:24; Col.1:13;
1Pet.1:23 and 1Pet.2:2] Last week we began to look at how it all began and
today, we shall be continuing with the following:
Man’s Responsibility as The Ruler of the Earth Genesis 2:15
Dress and keep the Garden. In other words, He was to be God’s security agent
over God’s Garden on Earth. He was to keep it from intruders.
In dressing and keeping the Garden, he was to multiply
that kind of Garden in the entire earth.
This is one of the ways he was to fulfill his calling to be fruitful, multiply
and replenish the earth. Gen.1:28 and Jn.15:8.
The Garden of Eden was God’s prototype representing His vision of what Adam was to multiply
on the earth and therefore subdue the earth with it.
The first responsibility God gave to man to discharge
was work. The word translated dress
and keep means work and to work is to become. Every time man did what God called
him to do, it enabled him to become who God had made him to be. In other words,
what we gain from working is not what money we are paid (because we are worth
much more than all the moneys on earth) but what we become as a result of the
work we do.
From the beginning, man was not to work alone but as a
team: In Gen.1:27, God already made
man into male and female species in the spirit realm. So when He said it was
not good for man to be alone, He was revealing his intention to make a body for
the woman he already created but who could not function on earth because she
had no body; she was still a spirit only. In Gen.2:7, He made a body for Adam
and Adam became visible on earth and was able to start functioning on earth.
Then in Gen.2:20-22, he formed a body for the woman and brought her to Adam to
see what he would call her and he immediately identified her as one of his kind
and called her woman. But the name God called both of them was Adam. See
The man was first formed and began to rule on Earth
before the woman: The man was made
the Leader in the relationship that immediately ensued on his coming face to
face with the woman for the first time: the marriage relationship. This makes
the man the leader in every marriage and the woman is his helper so that as a
team they can fulfill God’s purpose with none of them breaking the ranks. See
Gen.2:18-23; and 1Cor.11:8-9.
When the woman tried to lead the man in her
immaturity, they both fell: The
husband was to lead, but he let the wife lead him; the result was that he gave
up his place of influence to the one behind the serpent who led the woman to
lead him. This is why we have the unfortunate situation of the devil becoming
so influential on earth. See Luke 4:5-7 and 2Cor.4:3-4.
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