Living Waters

Living Waters

Monday, 7 March 2016

Spiritual Growth Manual Session 1 Lesson 9

Understanding how to grow up spiritually
Session 1 Lesson 9
Introduction: Everything living is proven by its growth. We were raised from death to life, therefore we must grow. We entered this new life as seeds or children and once admitted into this new life, what is required next is growth. [John 5:24; Col.1:13; 1Pet.1:23 and 1Pet.2:2]

We are still looking at how the devil tries to weaken our faith since he has failed to stop us from getting saved. Another means by which the enemy tries to weaken our faith is:

Deception: This is falsehood calculated to weaken the faith of man thereby making him unable to fulfill his God given purpose of glorifying God. There are many ways the devil has tried to deceive man over the years. See Isa.43:7
·        For instance because of man’s ignorance of who the true God is, he has claimed to be god to many through idolatry where men are cheated into leaving the creator to serve the creation like animals, the solar system like the sun, the moon, the stars and angels. Thus when you see people worshiping anyone or anything without going through Jesus Christ to God the father, they have been deceived to worship devils. See Romans 1:18-32.
·        Bewitchment: People are bewitched when they are deceived to believe a lie as the truth even though they already had access to the truth. The result is that they would leave the way of life and go back to their old ways out of fear and intimidation that if they do not continue in that former way, an evil will befall them. For instance, some people fear that if they did not continue to worship the idols of their past, they would be struck to death by the gods they left. A friend told me this story about a missionary to Republic of Benin. He said they people to who he was sent usually had to bow to an idol in that village at a particular time of the day. One day, the drum was sounded when the people were in Church. The people hurried out of Church to go an honor the devil as they used to do. The missionary stopped them and told them not to go again that Christ had redeemed them. The people obeyed the missionary. The priest of the idol was infuriated and attempted to cast a spell on the missionary and promised the missionary that he would die in seven days. The idolatrous priest died two days later. That brought an end to the bewitchment, fear and intimidation the devil tried to use to keep the people in bondage.  Gal.3:1-10.

·        Another means of deception the devil tries to use to keep men from God after they are saved is the opposition of science. Through science, people have studied and learnt medicine for instance and try to prove by natural means how disease can cause death. Then they come up with imperfect solutions like drugs etc to try to manage disease. In some cases, they even tell man that the disease is terminal in which case, all hope of getting healed is taken away. However, the bible tells us that Christ destroyed the devil and death and hell and took our sickness on his body so that by His stripes we are healed. If man keeps listening to God and excludes the opposition of science, he would be healed. If on the other hand, he chooses to believe science instead of the word of God, he would die. Science means to know. To this extent, there is nothing wrong with science. However, when that knowledge conflicts with the word of God, it should be discarded or man would come under bondage by his weakened faith. See 1Tim.6:20, Rm.8:5-9, Heb.2:14-15; Isa.53:1-5; Ex.23:25-25; 1Pet.2:24 and Rev.1:18. 

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