Living Waters

Living Waters

Monday, 7 March 2016

Spiritual Growth Manual Session 1 Lesson 6

Understanding how to grow up spiritually
Session 1 Lesson 6
Introduction: Everything living is proven by its growth. We were raised from death to life, therefore we must grow. We entered this new life as seeds or children and once admitted into this new life, what is required next is growth. [John 5:24; Col.1:13; 1Pet.1:23 and 1Pet.2:2]
Last week, we began to learn that after redemption comes a new war. We also were made to understand that this war is a spiritual warfare aimed at neutralizing as much as possible; what God accomplished for mankind with Calvary. We also established that one of the means he does this is by preying on man’s ignorance. Last week we saw three things man can be ignorant of that could allow the enemy access into his life to minimize his influence namely: the truth of our redemption; the truth about our freedom and the truth about our healing rights. We shall continue today with the following:
·        The truth about man’s purpose: According to Myles Munroe of blessed memory, where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. In other words, where purpose is known, the pursuit of it and its realization are inevitable. The importance of knowing and running in your God given purposed cannot be over stretched because that is the entire essence of living. Without knowing and running in your purpose, life becomes meaningless and barren. This is the reason why some people commit suicide for instance. Another situation is where people try to create a purpose for themselves and succeed in the wrong assignment. This is a good recipe for disappointment because the much desired fulfillment is not realized and people end up even more confused than they would have been. The good news therefore is that divine guidance is packaged in redemption and if we take advantage of this, God promises to lead us in the way we should go. He also wants to help us make the right choices in life if we would cooperate with Him. When He guides us, He will help us to know why we were born and how to fulfill our purpose and bring glory to God doing so. See Gen.1:26-28; Ps.25:9; 32:8; Isa.43:21; Jn.16:13, Rm.8:14.  
·        The truth of their source: As a result of sin, man’s entire mindset became perverted and his way of life became so corrupted that God regretted making man. See Gen.6:5-6. Because of ignorance, man was deceived to worship man made gods and other creatures of God as god. The result was total perversion and a huge reduction in man’s I. Q. Because people came under the influence of devils, they became totally blinded to the true God; their maker. This explains why people go into the occult in search of power thinking they would find God there. Sadly, man going about his own righteousness his own way have not attained to the righteousness that comes from God. Even after they give their lives to Christ some still wrongly believe that all ways lead to God and therefore fail to reach their true potential. What does the bible say about our source? In Gen.1:1, we learn that God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning. In Gen.1:26-28, we saw that God created man and in Ps.100:3, we learn that God made us and we did not make ourselves. So we must be wise and worship God in Spirit and in truth. See John 4:23-24; Rm.10:3-4.  It is this kind of ignorance that make believers in Christ still go back to idols which they worshipped in their ignorance out of fear. When they understand that the one who put them in fear together with his works have been destroyed, they are set free. See Heb.2:14-15 and 1Jn.3:8.

·        Man’s true God given potential: when man becomes aware of what he is capable of accomplishing as a new creation, he would explode with creativity at its best state. When man gets to become aware that all things are possible to him and to God, he can immediately begin to draw on the huge bank of resources God has put within him to help him actualize his purpose. Your potential is the hidden ability God has put within you at birth to enable you fulfill your purpose. God put them in you as seeds. As soon as you become aware of it, you have a responsibility to nurture it through hard work for its realization. There is no man who cannot become whatever God has said he can be with the help of God; if he believes and add works to his faith. This is why the Lord calls us the light of the world and the salt of the earth. He brings out this truth clearly when He said that we should let our light so shine before men that they might see out good works and glorify our father who is in heaven. This means we shine by good works. See Mat.5:13-16; Jas.2:26; 1Pet.2:9; Eph.2:10; Matt.19:26; Mk.9:23; Mk.14:36 and 2Cor.5:17-21.    

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