Understanding how to
grow up spiritually
Session 1 Lesson 5
Everything living is proven by its growth. We were raised from death to life,
therefore we must grow. We entered this new life as seeds or children and once
admitted into this new life, what is required next is growth. [John 5:24;
Col.1:13; 1Pet.1:23 and 1Pet.2:2]
After redemption comes a new war
This war is called
spiritual warfare. Since Satan could not stop God from actualizing His
redemptive plan for man through the Lord Jesus Christ, he has been trying to
make it impossible for man to attain to the realization of God’s dream for man.
He tries to do this by attacking man with the following weapons:
He first tries to make man ignorant of the following:
The gospel of man’s redemption: The majority of people that are unsaved today are not
saved because they are ignorant of the truth that God has already sent a
messiah in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ to redeem man from sin and
therefore spiritual death to which he was subjected through his sin. In
2Cor.4:3-4, we are told that our gospel is hidden from the ignorant because
their minds have been blinded by the devil. In that text of scripture, the
devil was referred to by Apostle Paul as the god of this world. The reason for
this as we have seen in the course of this series is that by his sin; Adam lost
his place as the god of this world to the devil who wrested it from him in the
garden of Eden by deceiving Eve with Adam’s cooperation. See Gen.3:6-7;
Lk.4:5-6 and 1Tim.2:14. In light of this, our business as believers is to
ensure that we win the lost for Christ. If you do not know how, start by
sharing your testimony with them. Then you can read how to on my blog at www.flourishinggirl.blogspot.com.
The truth about man’s freedom: Another thing people are ignorant of is the truth
that man’s freedom from sin and therefore the devil’s jurisdiction has been
fully paid for by Christ and all man has to do now is take it through
repentance. In John 3:16-18, this truth is clearly stated and we are expected
to pay attention to it and take advantage of it. All who believe this truth and
repent are saved. They are saved form damnation. This is why we preach the
gospel because we understand that what people do not hear about, they cannot
believe. The devil works hard to keep
people in the dark of this truth. This is why the word of God refers to him as
the prince of darkness. Therefore in any area of life you are ignorant of the
truth, he can reign over you. The need for being enlightened by God cannot be
overemphasized as a result of this. See Jn.8:31-32; Lk.22:53; Acts 26:18;
Eph.2:2-3 and John 5:24.
The truth about man’s healing rights in Christ: Encapsulated in the redemption package is the
complete list of what Jesus died to pay the prize for. This comprehensive list
includes our total healing. The healing of our souls and bodies inclusive.
Sadly, many believers know that they have been saved because they have the
assurance of salvation by the Holy Spirit’s indwelling in us, but they are not
sure if healing is God’s will for them. The good news is that we can access
these truths from the bible if we care to read it. God can not only heal you, he
really passionately wants to heal you. See 3Jn.1:2 which says that God wishes
above all things that we prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper.
This healing package was prophesied in Isa.53:1-5 and declared as having been
fulfilled in 1Pet.2:24. Furthermore, the bible proves that with God, there is
no incurable disease. The prayer of faith would save the sick and if he has
committed sins, God would forgive him if he goes for prayer help from the
Church. See Jas.5:14-15; Mat.8:16-17 and Acts 5:14-16.
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